JAKARTA - nutritionist dr. Tan Shot Yen shared suggestions for travelers who want to travel long distances during the Lebaran homecoming season, which is to bring supplies and always pay attention to the cleanliness of food so as not to be contaminated with bacteria.
Tan, who is also a health educator at the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), during an online discussion, Friday, reminded that one of the things that needs to be considered when carrying provisions for homecoming is that the food is not constant and does not have an element of contamination.
"For example, the provision does not contain coconut milk because it is prone to being stale. Bring side dishes that do not have elements of being contaminated like pindang eggs, then foods that are easy to bring, such as (foods that) are steamed or carry rice but wrapped in leaves," said Tan. according to ANTARA.
If the travelers who bring the child under two years of age, Tan reminds them to pay attention to how to store breast milk companion food (MPASI). Travelers should not allow MPASI to be in room temperature between five to 60 degrees Celsius for more than two hours because at that temperature the bacteria will reproduce and will nominate food.
"It is recorded that 5 to 60 degrees Celsius is a temperature where germs like to breed. So, if you want to bring MPASI food, especially the temperature you must be able to maintain below 5 degrees Celsius or above 60 degrees at once," Tan explained.
Meanwhile, if you want to eat in a restaurant or rest area (rest on the road), he reminded you to pay attention to the cleanliness of the place and the utensils used to prevent you from experiencing diarrhea due to unobtained cleanliness. Travelers also need to make sure the place to eat has an adequate kitchen to ensure that the food served is properly cooked in that place.
"Please pay attention to whether they wash their food furniture properly so don't just clean it with water and soap in the form of levels, often diarrhea can be caused by food or from food tools," said Tan.
If you want to travel back and forth, however, in a state of fasting, Tan suggests avoiding coffee and tea at dawn. Coffee and tea are diuretic, triggering the frequency of urination to become more frequent. Overconsumption of excessive coffee or more than two glasses a day will also make the driver out of focus.
"So, if you are sleepy and tired, the easiest to move aside and rest, sleep 15 to 30 minutes and wash your face. And take turns driving make sure that your friend can drive," said Tan.
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