
JAKARTA - Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit of South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Achmad Ardhy said that the investigation of Ammar Zoni and two other suspects in drug abuse cases has been completed.

From the investigations carried out since the arrest of Ammar Zoni and two other suspects on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, Achmad Ardhy revealed that there were three points to be concluded.

"One, that the three suspects are not involved in the drug distribution network," said Ardhy at the Metro Jaya Police.

Based on an investigation conducted by investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Ammar, and two other suspects were not involved as dealers at all.

"Second, the three suspects with the names AZ, R, and M are purely drug users, which means they are victims of drug abuse," continued Ardhy.

Ardhy confirmed that the three suspects were only users, of which Ammar Zoni had been a suspect twice.

"Then the third, in accordance with SEMA regulations (Supreme Court Circular), Number 4 of 2010 and RI Law No. 35 of 2009 regarding the amount of crystal methamphetamine evidence, it has been regulated," he said.

From these three points, Ammar and two other suspects will be rehabilitated, which the police have coordinated with the South Jakarta City National Narcotics Agency.

"And today too, we will place brothers AZ, R, and M to undergo rehabilitation at the Government Rehabilitation Center in Lido for 3 to 6 months," concluded Achmad Ardhy.

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