
JAKARTA - A healthy body and skin is of course everyone's dream, but it cannot be denied, because many factors, such as pollution, continuous sun exposure, unbalanced food intake, skincare choices, and others, can cause problems for the skin.

Hyperpigmentation spots (freckles, melasma, lentigo, acne scars), scars, fine wrinkles, stretch marks, and large pores are examples of skin conditions that require treatment.

So, don't worry, because these skin problems can be overcome with Pico Laser Treatment.

Mainstay of Entrea Anti-Aging Clinic: Pico Laser 450

Pico laser is a non-invasive beauty treatment option that works using laser light technology to improve various skin problems.

The Pico Laser 450 is an advanced, multi-functional medical device that combines an ultra-short picosecond laser and a HEXA Laser-induced Optical Breakdown (LIOB) to provide safe and effective treatment for a variety of different skin conditions. Treatment with the Pico Laser 450 can not only be used for the face area, but can also be applied to other body parts.

Pico laser treatment usually takes approximately 20 minutes. The work is relatively fast and the results can also be seen in 1-2x treatments depending on the skin condition of each. With the use of laser technology, the treated skin area will produce collagen and elastin naturally so that it can repair and stimulate the regeneration of new skin cells.

The picosecond laser is known for its precision and efficiency when it comes to treatment, this minimizes the potential for skin discomfort, faster downtime and maximum results.

Does Pico Laser Treatment need to be repeated?

"Of course it is necessary, because the skin cell regeneration process occurs approximately every 28 days, so it is recommended to do Pico Laser treatment regularly," said dr. Angela Gunarso who works at the Etrea Anti-aging Clinic, South Jakarta.

You can get Pico Laser 450 treatment at Etrea Anti Aging Clinic which is located on Jl. Gandaria 1 no. 337, Kramat Pela, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Etrea is open every day from 09.00 a.m. - 21.00 p.m., only closed on national holidays. And it's best to make a D-1 reservation to get maximum service, because in Etrea, the treatment room is limited to only 1 patient in 1 room. (ADV)

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