
YOGYAKARTA – Running is one type of exercise that can be done regularly several times a week. However, for people who are overweight or obese, running can be a challenging sports activity. Because obesity can make a person tired easily. Well, if you do sports again, several things must be considered. What are they? Here's the list.

1. Prepare yourself before starting

Preparing yourself means checking your medical condition before doing regular running. The doctor will provide the most appropriate recommendations according to your exercise plan and the goals of the exercise you are going to do.

2. Choose comfortable footwear or shoes

Citing Verywell Fit, Monday, July 18, wearing the wrong running shoes and the wrong running style can lead to injury. If you are overweight, it means you have extra weight and more pressure on your joints. This is what makes obese people more prone to injury. So, choose footwear that is right for you.

olahraga lari untuk orang gemuk
Illustration of running sport for fat people (iStockphoto)

3. Start with light intensity

In the beginning, avoid trying to run a lot, especially at high speed. This can lead to fatigue and injury proneness. If you've been running regularly for several months, start by walking. For example, start running for 5-10 minutes or more according to the time you can manage.

In running, consistency is key, so try for short durations each day. Familiarize your body with the activity and increase continuous forward movement for 30 minutes before you start adding running.

4. Don't forget to warm up

Each time before running, start with a warm-up or brisk walk for 10 minutes. The goal is to increase the heart rate and blood flow to the working muscles. Next, run for 1 minute and then walk for 2 minutes. In walking mode, it is referred to as active rest instead of complete rest.

As much as possible, don't walk around in active rest mode. It aims to get a good cardio workout. Repeat the active run-rest cycle for 15-20 minutes. Then end with a 5 minute walk to cool off. Now, when the 1 minute running interval and 2.5 kilometers distance becomes easier, you can only increase the number of running intervals and reduce the walking interval.

5. Build stamina

After building your endurance by running or walking, you should continue to challenge yourself by increasing your effort or distance during your run. This helps increase calorie burning efforts, improves fitness, and prevents boredom with your exercise routine.

To challenge yourself, you can start by picking up speed while warming up. Then increase the speed again for one minute and return to an easy pace for another minute. Continue this pattern for 5 kilometers, then cool down.

When you exercise again regularly, balance it with a healthy diet. This is useful for burning calories that accumulate and lose weight. Plus, do regular medical checkups and live a healthy lifestyle.

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