
JAKARTA - The struggle of a mother to legalize medical marijuana in Indonesia for the treatment of her child has gone viral on social media. The mother's efforts were virally highlighted by netizens because she brought writings containing demands to the Constitutional Court in the middle of a car-free day (CFD), Central Jakarta, Sunday, June 26, 2022.

"Please my son needs medical marijuana", reads the poster the mother brought during the CFD.

The mother, named Santi, and her son Pika suffer from Cerebral Palsy, a brain disorder that is difficult to treat. Until now the most effective treatment is using cannabis seed oil.

Launching The Extract, Tuesday, June 28, there are about 45 countries in the world that have allowed the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Meanwhile, Indonesia is one of many countries that still prohibit the free use of marijuana.

This plant, which has the Latin name Cannabis Indica, is considered a miracle plant because it is known to have medicinal benefits if used in appropriate doses. Unfortunately, this plant is often misused to give the user a calm and "high" effect.

Marijuana, if used in the long term can trigger side effects such as paranoia, nausea, to perceptual disturbances. Worse, marijuana can also cause a person to become unconscious.

Because it can lead to addiction that leads to abuse, the Indonesian government has taken firm steps not to legalize marijuana. This is stated in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Marijuana is included in the class I narcotics and has a very strong potential to cause dependence and its use is strictly prohibited even for medical purposes. So far, marijuana can only be used for the benefit of the development of science and technology.

Furthermore, the prohibition of medical marijuana in Indonesia is due to different content factors from cannabis plants that grow in foreign countries. Launching the BBC, the content of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the content of Cannabidiol (CBD) in cannabis plants in Indonesia are not the same as those abroad.

Cannabis plants abroad have a higher CBD content than THC. Meanwhile, marijuana in Indonesia has a higher THC level than CBD. CBD is an active substance that is safe to use to treat epilepsy. While THC is a psychoactive substance. So, if it is used for treatment in Indonesia, it will certainly be difficult.

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