
YOGYAKARTA – There are various types of Indonesian coffee. Starting from the type of Arabica to Robusta which has a rich taste. However, if you are bored with enjoying black coffee that is brewed as usual, either V60 or brewed, you can mix the coffee blend with several selected ingredients. The mixture can produce a unique and delicious taste, along with ingredients that can be mixed in your cup of coffee.

1. Butter

Putting butter in coffee, might be considered a failed recipe. But no, as reported by Reader's Digest, Tuesday, June 7, the combination of the bitterness of coffee and the taste of butter will produce a perfect taste. You can put half a teaspoon of butter in a small cup of brewed coffee.

2. Ice cream

A spoonful of vanilla ice cream and a dose of espresso when combined into an affogato. This recipe is a typical Italian coffee serving. You can also add a glass of Americano with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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Illustration of delicious coffee mix ingredients (Unsplash/Jojo Yuen)

3. Honey

As a substitute for sugar in your cup of coffee, you can use natural sugar, namely honey. Spanish lattes often include a blend of honey, milk, and two shots of espresso.

4. Cardamom

This spice has a strong taste. It's not a bad idea to add it to a cup of coffee. If you add it, it will taste similar to chai. You can also add a little latte blend, such as milk and espresso, then add a pinch of cardamom.

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Illustration of delicious coffee mix ingredients (Unsplash/iStockphoto)

5. Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract mixed with coffee can make the tongue spoil with the taste created. Just add a little vanilla extract in warm coffee. The result will make you taste a softer coffee.

6. Lemon or lime

Coffee and lemon are best served cold. Refreshing coffee results may make the day more excited. Not only lemon or lime juice can be added to a glass of cold coffee. You can add a little grated orange peel to strengthen the citrus aroma.

7. Coconut milk

If you avoid dairy products, coconut milk can be an alternative choice to mix in coffee. Coconut milk coffee has a faintly sweet and rich taste. Replacing milk with coconut milk also reduces the number of calories, can be mixed with Java coffee grounds.

8. Nutmeg

For you coffee lovers, of course you are familiar with the blend of coffee and spices. Incorporating some nutmeg into your drink is really fun. But don't forget, don't add too much nutmeg. Give just enough to give the perfect glow to your cup of coffee.

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