JAKARTA - Prilly Latuconsina admitted to making improvisations during the scene to tease her husband in the My Lecturer My Husband Season 2. In the trailer, Inggit (Prilly Latuconsina) seemed to seduce her husband Arya (Reza Rahadian) by raising her legs to Arya's chest.
The scene was apparently done without direction from the director. Prilly improvised because she was challenged by Reza.
"Honestly, I improvised the scene that left me improvised. I seemed naughty when I said improve. But in that scenario, Inggit seduced Mr. Arya. Then Mr. Monty gave me the challenge, 'How do you seduce your husband?' I don't know, right?" explained Prilly at MD Place, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Saturday, May 21.
Prilly admitted that she was confused about how to seduce Arya in that scene. "Moreover, the costumes weren't that sexy, but they were strange costumes. So how can I make the scene come alive, the audience can understand that my goal is to make strange makeup to seduce my husband, but with costumes and appearances that don't support it," she continued.
In the midst of her confusion, Prilly finally dared to raise her legs to Reza Rahadian's chest.
"I was confused, what are you doing, because it hasn't been cut yet. Finally, okay, be brave. And that's also Reza who was surprised. But in the end, it became a favorite scene until it was included in the teaser, promo, trailer, and I'm grateful for that scene to come alive," she said.
Prilly also admitted that she was worried after doing the scene. In addition, Prilly also feels grateful for being able to maintain balance in the scene by wearing high heels.
"I was really scared when they say cut. It was like, 'Oh, is it okay like that?'
Meanwhile, on the other hand, Reza Rahadian considered that the improvisation scene was an extraordinary thing. Because according to Reza, the improvisation fits perfectly with Prilly's character, Inggit.
"Sexy. She's cute. I think that's an extraordinary improvisation. Because I think Inggit's character can do that. So the improvisation matches with the character. I think she's done a good job," said Reza.
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