
JAKARTA – In a circle of friends, maybe you have a colleague who likes to look cool, superior, and admired for what he has. Apparently, there is a reason you know they like to flaunt their wealth and luxury in order to be admired.

Everyone certainly has a different character. The reasons for showing off wealth and luxury are also not uniform. But as reported by Psych Mechanics, Friday, March 25, here are some common reasons why people like to show off.

1. Feeling insecure

A person will flaunt 'self' only when they need to. There are many things that might be exhibited by him, such as his wealth, luxury of life, outfits, gadgets, to position. One reason is because they think that other people don't think they are important. So to be 'seen' they will prove that they are important people.

For example, a martial arts master, they would never challenge their opponent to show off their skills. Because he knows his master's abilities. Unlike a beginner who needs to prove to his opponent that he is better than his opponent.

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Illustration of why people like to show off (Unsplash/Wiliam Bayreuther)

2. Trick yourself to get through tough times

Everyone may show off occasionally, because this is normal human behavior. But if you keep playing, it means there's a problem. For example, a person shows off about the splendor of his life and the business he runs. The person wants to believe that the business is doing well, even though the fact may be otherwise.

This is known as self-deception. The goal is to get through difficult times. If a person is forced to brag about his success, it is to prove to himself and to others that what he is doing is going well.

3. Childhood experience

As many clinical psychologists have reviewed, childhood experiences shape adult behavior. Although every journey of life is a process, sorting and evaluating it is important to negotiate with bad childhood experiences so as to find the good things in life.

If a child is showered with a lot of attention from his parents, then he may try to maintain that level of attention as an adult. This is the crux of showing off. In other words, they seek attention in a 'subtle' way in order to be socially accepted.

4. Obsessive

Regarding obsession, one wants to get anything including public attention by showing off a superior class lifestyle. They are obsessed with having luxury cars, private helicopters, branded bags, exclusive clothes, and attracting people's attention.

5. Want to be accepted or recognized

According to the expert, Abraham Maslow, recognition is related to self-actualization. When a person has felt full and sufficient of his basic and psychological needs, then he does not depend on the recognition of others. But otherwise, someone with low self-actualization will feel accepted by others after getting recognition.

Those are five common reasons why people like to show off their wealth. Not only wealth, not a few who show off other things related to their identity, for example, intellectual identity by showing off the books they have read or their education degrees.

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