
JAKARTA - If you can't multitask, that's okay. In reality, multitasking is a myth. Some studies show that your mind is actually only capable of changing focus quickly from one job to another in turn. But not fully able to do two or more jobs at once.

Instead of trying to do two things at once, find ways to maintain focus and concentration on the work at hand. Many people find it difficult to focus, but it's a skill you can develop. To increase focus and concentration, do the following four ways, adapting Mayoclinic, Wednesday, March 23.

Reduce distraction

Turn off the TV, put down the phone, and sign out of your email account. Not sure that will help? Eliminate two days of unnecessary screen time and see how much work you can get done.

Plan the day well

Are you the type of person who gets up early? So don't waste that time reading emails. Instead, take the opportunity to tackle work that requires full concentration. In the afternoon, take the time to check and reply to incoming emails.

Write all ideas on paper

Too many things to keep in mind throw the mind into chaos. All the unfinished business can drain your mental energy. Write whatever comes to mind on a piece of paper or record it digitally. It makes your mind lighter and reduces the burden on the brain.

Train your brain

Any valuable skill takes practice, as does learning to concentrate. Invest time mastering a variety of focus, mindfulness, or other types of meditation. This is a great way to practice blocking distractions and improving focus.

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