
JAKARTA - Fat foods are found in meat and animal by-products such as cheese and milk. Eating too much fatty foods can have various negative impacts on the body.

Therefore, eating fatty foods must be limited. There are also signs that appear in the body if you consume too much fat intake that you have to watch out for, quoted from Eat This Not That.

1. Weight gain

Fat is a supplier of calories twice as much as carbohydrates or protein. Therefore, most eating fat can make you gain weight.

2. Increased cholesterol levels

Excessive fat consumption is also characterized by increased levels of LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is known as a type of bad cholesterol, which can cause health complications, such as heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

3. Often bloating

Most eating saturated fats and trans fats can cause inflammation in the body. This inflammation can make a person feel bloating and lethargic.

4. Experience gastrointestinal discomfort

When eating high fatty foods, it is possible that a person does not eat many vegetables, fruit, or whole grains, so that their fiber intake is low. Low fiber intake can cause constipation and other digestive problems.

5. Bad breath

Eating too much fat also has an impact on unpleasant breaths. This is because fatty foods make the body produce ketones, acids produced by the body when breaking fats to produce energy.

If you use fat as the main energy source, you produce ketones, which cause you to emit an unpleasant odor of breath, said cardiacologist Dr. Elizabeth Klodys, MD, FACC.

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