JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is widening the lane on the Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Road in order to welcome the moment of Nataru 2023.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the progress of widening the road on the Cipali Toll Road until October 31, 2023 had reached 94.88 percent and was targeted for completion before the Nataru moment.
Basuki said that the widening effort was carried out to anticipate the accumulation of vehicles coming from the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) Toll Road which was recently operated.
"The Cipali toll road has been widened to anticipate from Cisumdawu. We will be able to use it later on Nataru H-10, it has been 100 percent resolved," Minister Basuki said in a working meeting with Commission V DPR RI in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 21.
Based on the presentation delivered, the construction of the Cipali Toll widening consists of two work packages.
In detail, the realization of package 1 construction has reached 92.84 percent.
Meanwhile, package 2 widening of the Cipali Toll Road, the realization of the work has reached 96.92 percent, so that the average progress has exceeded 94.88 percent.
"The rest of the work is the completion of the markings, painting the concrete barrier," he added.
Previously reported, the Ministry of PUPR said that there will be two toll roads that will function ahead of the Christmas and New Year 2023 holidays, namely the South Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek II) Toll Road and the Solo-Yogyakarta-Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Toll Road.
"The toll roads that can be used on Nataru 2023 are the South Cikampek II Toll Road for the Kutanegara-Sadang section and the Solo-Yogyakarta-Yogyakarta-Bandara YIA Segmen Kertasura-Karaganom toll road," said Basuki.
Basuki said, in Lebaran 2022, the Solo-Yogyakarta-YIA Toll Road had only been used up to the Pakis Segment.
"For Nataru this year, God willing, it can function up to the Karanganom Segment along 13 km," he said.
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