
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said digitalization is currently not only part of everyday life.

More than that, said Erick, digitization has an important role in encouraging sustainable economic growth.

"Digitalization, apart from being a part of everyday life, also plays an important role in encouraging sustainable economic growth," he said, quoted from Instagram @erickthohir, Tuesday, October 31.

Erick admitted that the world that is currently digital also needs adequate infrastructure. He said, this is a necessity.

"That's why we from BUMN are committed to building an ecosystem for accelerating digital transformation. One of them is the 5G ecosystem," he said.

To build this ecosystem, continued Erick, collaboration between local governments (Pemda) and the central government is needed. At the same time to realize Indonesia's digital vision in 2030.

"Collaboration is needed between local governments and the central government to realize the Vision of Indonesia Digital in 2030 and 2045," he said.

Previously, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said that one of the challenges that the younger generation needs to face is the loss of most jobs in line with the development of digitalization.

Based on data from the Future of Jobs Report from the World Economic Forum, continued Erick, as many as 85 million jobs will be lost. Much higher than the estimated 67 million jobs that will grow.

"85 million jobs have been lost compared to 67 million that have grown, meaning young figures have tough challenges," said Erick, written Friday, October 13.

In these challenging conditions, said Erick, it is hoped that young figures can be serious in supporting Indonesia's growth in the future.

"This is a seriousness, so it's not just a discourse being discussed," he said.

Moreover, continued Erick, Indonesia only has one momentum to realize Indonesia's 2045 gold.

Therefore, continued, it must be put to good use. Considering that Indonesia is currently enjoying a demographic bonus, where the majority of the population is young.

Erick hopes that young people, especially those who are members of the IAPPI, can prepare detailed planning or blueprint to support the achievement of Indonesia as a developed country in 2045.

We only have one moment, when our pyramid is currently very good. We as a nation must have a vision of our future. Both in the economic field, both in the political field. The question is who is the driving force? Of course young figures," he said.

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