
JAKARTA - The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PT PLN (Persero) decided to change the composition of the company's Commissioners and Directors. There are two commissioners and one Board of Directors appointed at the GMS.

In the GMS held on Wednesday, September 20, shareholders agreed to appoint former Finance Minister Agus Dermawan Wintarto Martowardojo as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of PLN.

Prior to serving as a Commissioner at PLN, Agus also previously served as President Commissioner of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI (BBNI) before being replaced by Pradjoto on Tuesday, September 20.

Agus' appointment also honorably dismissed Amien Sunaryadi as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of PLN.

Apart from Agus Marto, the PLN GMS also appointed the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and President Commissioner of PT PGN (Persero) Tbk (PGAS) Archandra Tahar as Independent Commissioner.

The GMS also appointed Suroso Isnandar as Director of Risk Management. Previously, Suroso Isnandar served as Head of the PLN Digital Unit and Information Technology.

The Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, represented by the Deputy for Human Resources, Technology and Information of the Ministry of SOEs, Tedi Bharata said that the change in the composition of Commissioners and Directors was carried out to improve the company's performance, especially in carrying out the energy transition.

"PLN is the heart of Indonesia. PLN has a vital role in the energy transition, for that we want to continue and strengthen the transformation so that PLN can be more agile in carrying out energy transitions," Tedi said in a statement to the media, Wednesday, September 20.

Meanwhile, PLN President Commissioner Agus Dermawan Wintarto Martowardojo explained that PLN has had a good performance growth rate. The process of transformation and digitization carried out by the company has resulted in many achievements and appreciations.

"The future challenges are getting bigger, especially in the energy transition era. How to prepare energy security and prepare global steps. PLN must be able to become an institution that is more reliable and continues to improve," said Agus.

With the above changes, the composition of the Board of Directors and Commissioners of PLN is as follows:

Board of Commissioners:1. President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner: Agus Dermawan Wintarto Martowardojo2. Deputy President Commissioner: Suahasil Nazara3. Commissioner: Mohamad Ikhsan4. Commissioner: Dadan Kusdiana5. Commissioner: Dudy Purwagandhi6. Commissioner: Eko Sulistyo7. Commissioner: Tedi Bharata8. Commissioner: Susiwijono Moegiarso9. Independent Commissioner: Charles Sitorus10. Independent Commissioner: Arcandra Tahar

Board of Directors:1. President Director: Darmawan Prasodjo2. Finance Director: Sinthya Roesly3. Legal and Human Capital Management Director: Yusuf Didi Setiarto4. Director of System Transmission and Planning: Evy Haryadi5. Director of Retail and Niaga: Edi Srimulyanti6. Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development: Hartanto Wibowo7. Director of New Renewable Project and Energy Management: Wiluyo Kusdwiharto8. Director of Generation Management: Adi Lumakso9. Director of Distribution: Adi Priyanto10. Director of Risk Management: Suroso Isnandar

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