
JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI DPR Intan Fauzi proposed the formation of a working committee or Working Committee for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Karya. This proposal departs from the emergence of several cases of alleged corruption.

Intan said, the proposal to form the Panja is also in line with the wishes of SOE Minister Erick Thohir to resolve the problems that exist in state-owned companies in the field of works.

"So when we had our last working meeting with the Minister of SOEs, Mr. Erick, that we wanted to solve the problems that exist in BUMN works. Because we know that many business actors have complained to Commission VI of the DPR that they have not been paid for 10 years. Even then, they are disturbed, not only finance but property and so on, of course, this must be resolved, "he said when met at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 12.

According to Intan, this BUMN Karya Working Committee is needed to supervise and encourage improvements in good corporate governance (GCG). Given, the role of BUMN Karya is also very much needed for the completion of national strategic projects.

"Not only supervising, but indeed there are problems, so it means that we have to solve this problem quickly so that the performance of BUMN-BUMN Karya is also good. Because this BUMN work is needed," he explained.

"Apagi, continued Intan, disbursed funds from the government to BUMN Karya to complete the assignment as well as not a few,"

"In the body of state-owned enterprises, of course there must be real improvements, there should not be the slightest corruption, moreover we have just agreed that they will accept PMN (state capital participation)," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani asked for the blessing of Commission XI of the DPR regarding the disbursement of the state capital investment allocation (PMN) worth IDR 42.8 trillion to five SOEs.

According to the Minister of Finance, the funds were allocated to the 2023 State Budget and also the 2024 State Budget which is currently still under discussion with the DPR.

First, PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF) amounting to Rp1.5 trillion. Second, to Hutama Karya Rp28.8 trillion. Third, to PT Len Industri amounting to Rp1.7 trillion. Fourth, PMN to PT Perum, the Indonesian Aviation Navigation Service Provider (LPPNPI) or commonly called Airnav Indonesia amounting to Rp659.1 billion.

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