
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has allocated spending on the education sector of IDR 660.8 trillion in 2024. This budget will be used to strengthen the quality of human resources (HR) in the country.

Furthermore, Jokowi said the amount of the prepared budget is equivalent to 20 percent of the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) posture.

"To realize superior, innovative, integrity and competitive human resources, an education budget of IDR 660.8 trillion or 20 percent of the state budget has been prepared," Jokowi said in a speech at the RAPBN, at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 16.

This budget, continued Jokowi, is divided into 3 expenditure posts, namely central government spending, transfers to regions, to investment financing.

"The central government's expenditure allocation is IDR 237.3 trillion, Transfers to Regions IDR 346.6 trillion, and investment financing IDR 77.0 trillion," he said.

In line with strengthening human resources, Jokowi also highlighted the need for the use of demographic bonuses that will occur in the next few years. The goal is to deal with the application of technology and avoid technological disruption.

"We must be able to take advantage of the demographic bonus and be ready to face technological disruption," he said.

Jokowi said that the mental revolution should not stop so that Indonesian human resources are productive, innovative, global competitive, with integrity, have noble character, while maintaining the identity of the nation's culture.

There are several aspects that are in the spotlight of Jokowi in an effort to improve the quality of Indonesia's human resources. Among other things, increasing the competence of teachers and education personnel; and equitable distribution of the quality of education through increasing teacher distribution.

Then, educational infrastructure improves the quality of PAUD; improve access to education at all levels of education; improve the quality of infrastructure supporting educational activities, especially in disadvantaged, outermost, and frontier areas; as well as strengthen the connectivity of vocational education with the job market.

"The government is also committed to strengthening investment in education, including by supporting the expansion of scholarship programs, advancing culture, strengthening world-class universities, and developing research and innovation," he said.

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