
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is said to continue to prepare various things for carbon exchange supervision as part of supporting the government's target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 31.89 percent with its own efforts and 43.2 percent with international participation.

Deputy Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mirza Adityaswara said there are still many efforts that the world, including Indonesia, must make to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"We ourselves already have Law no. 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (UPU PPSK) as a legal umbrella in regulating and supervising domestic carbon exchanges," he said in a written statement quoted on Tuesday, August 15.

Mirza mengungkapkan, pihaknya bakal segera merilis beleid terbaru sebagai acuan pelaksana dari UU PPSK.

POJK yang akan menjadi aturan pendukung dalam penyelenggaraan perdagangancarbon melalui bursabon dan Surat Edaran OJK (SEOJK)nya sebentar segera dibit. Optimism kita untuk mencapai target penyelenggaraan perdana unit carbon di Bursa Carbon adalah pada kuartal empat tahun ini, tuturnya.

Mirza said that in an effort to encourage the successful implementation of the first carbon exchange, there have been 99 coal-based Steam Power Plants (PLTU) that have the potential to participate in this year's carbon trade. This amount is equivalent to 86 percent of the total coal power plant operating in Indonesia.

"I hope that it will produce simple and implementable formulas not only in the form of document writing, but indeed it can be implemented, implemented," he stressed.

OJK itself continues to disseminate information to a number of regions in Indonesia to help the general public and stakeholders to understand the carbon trade ecosystem.

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