JAKARTA - The increasing volume of waste is still a challenge for the government in the midst of limited waste processing facilities so that waste accumulates and causes environmental problems in urban areas. In 2022, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry noted that 12,362 million tons of garbage were not managed, so it needed the active role of all groups to help overcome this problem.
As a company that has a commitment to environmental conservation, PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) also participates in overcoming city waste problems with circular economic principles through conversion of waste into refuse-derived fuel (RDF). This solution not only helps the government in overcoming waste problems, but also helps the Company get alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly.
The utilization of RDF is one of the strategic initiatives for Environmental Protection in the Sustainability Road Map SIG and supports the Company to achieve its carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction target.
SIG Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni said the use of RDF as an alternative fuel had been implemented by a subsidiary of GIS, PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI) at the Narogong Factory and Cilacap Factory. From 2020 to 2022, the total utilization of RDF in the two factories has reached 76 thousand tons, from TPST Bantargebang, RDF Plant Jeruklegi Cilacap and TPST Wangon Banyumas.
In Cilacap Regency, SBI not only utilizes RDF production from the RDF of the Jeruklegi Plant owned by the Cilacap Regency Government, but also becomes the initiator and operator of the first RDF facility in Indonesia. Since it was inaugurated by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of Indonesia, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan on July 21, 2020, the Cilacap RDF facility is now able to process 160 tons of waste per day to produce around 70 tons of RDF per day. This amount has the potential to replace 40 tons of coal per day.
"Protracted waste management is GIS's effort to create a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment, as well as provide economic benefits. Through the use of RDF as an alternative fuel, dependence on fossil energy sources can be suppressed, natural resources can be conserved and carbon gas emissions can be reduced," said Vita Mahreyni.
In addition to RDF, SIG also utilizes other alternative fuel sources from biomass and industrial waste. This series of SIG initiatives in the utilization of alternative fuels has supported the Company to achieve its CO2 emission reduction target.
Nathabumi's waste and waste management system is carried out with a more responsible and environmentally friendly approach through the co-processing method.
"The technology owned by Natabumi is a long-term solution to assist the government in overcoming waste problems. From 2010 to 2022, Nathabumi has managed 5.7 million tons of waste and waste," said Vita Mahreyni.
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