
JAKARTA - PT Tripatra Engineers and Constructioners (TRIPATRA), a leading engineering engineering-based solution provider in Indonesia, held Engineering for Teenagers for Junior High School (SMP) students in the Greater Jakarta area, Saturday 22 July.

This activity is a form of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and supports government programs in order to increase superior human resources (HR), especially in the field of engineering and renewable energy development.

Facing the dynamics of global competition and the massive development of Indonesian infrastructure, makes the need for engineering personnel higher from year to year. However, the need for professional engineers in Indonesia has not been balanced with existing human resources.

Based on data from the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), the number of engineers in Indonesia is still at the ratio of 5,300 Engineers per million population while Vietnam is at the ratio of 9,000 per million population, the United States and Korea are at the ratio of 20,000 and 25,000 per million population. Therefore, there needs to be support from various parties to increase the quantity and quality of Indonesian engineers to realize Golden Indonesia in 2045.

President Director & CEO - PT Tripatra Engineers and Constructioners (TRIPATRA), Raymond Naldi Rasfuldi, said that TRIPATRA realizes that human resource development is an important key to Indonesia's future development. This is what underlies TRIPATRA is organizing an engineering professional recognition education program entitled Engineering for Teenagers.

"This activity aims to introduce closer details about the world of engineering to junior high school students by inviting them to get acquainted with the engineering profession and conducting experiments related to simple engineering in the energy sector," said Raymond, in his statement, Thursday, July 27.

In the Engineering for Teenagers activity in 2023, which was held as part of the 50 TRIPATRA Anniversary (HUT) series, there were 100 students from 84 State and Private Junior High Schools who came from the Jabodetabek area.

Throughout the program, participants are introduced to experienced engineers in their respective fields. The speakers shared their work experience as an engineer, challenges and how an engineer's role as a problem solver and continued to provide encouragement for participants who want to develop interest and professions in the field of engineering.

In addition, in this program, students are also given an understanding of renewable energy and are challenged to be able to create a simple renewable energy experiment, namely making a wind-powered power generation model house. Students are required to solve challenges in a predetermined time. There are six winners of the best series selected to get a prize and will undergo a joint mentoring class.

Head of Corporate Communication & Sustainability Division, Ninesiana Melinadona added, this Engineering for Teenagers activity is a form of Tripatra's commitment to contribute to the development of potential future generations.

"At the same time, it is the implementation of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) program and supports sustainable development goals (SDGs) in terms of community development and quality education," explained Ninesiana.

Since it was first held in 2019, the Engineering for Teenagers program has managed to reach more than 250 junior high school students from 156 schools. It is hoped that students who have participated in this activity can transmit educational information that has been obtained to other students in their respective schools.

This is in accordance with the company's business development goals, so that in the long term TRIPATRA can provide optimal and sustainable added value to all stakeholders, also contribute more to Indonesia's development and increase superior human resources in the field of engineering.

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