
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto emphasized that the government continues to pursue the full completion of the National Strategic Project (PSN) in the Central Java region.

According to him, a number of these projects are the Kendal Special Economic Zone (KEK) and the Semarang-Demak toll road.

"There are 37 PSNs in Central Java with a total investment value of IDR 258.7 trillion. These projects can absorb 60,000 direct workers," he said in a press release today, Monday, July 17.

Airlangga explained that the development of SEZs and industrial estates in Central Java Province also really needs port and jetty infrastructure support to be able to immediately attract investment.

"The Kendal Special Economic Zone, then the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone, and the Seafer Industrial Estate can immediately operate optimally with infrastructure support to be provided by the central and regional governments," he said.

Meanwhile, for the toll road sector, PSN in Central Java is planned to build a total of 340 km of toll roads with an investment value of IDR 57.8 trillion.

"This infrastructure development has a direct impact on smoothing the flow of homecoming during Eid, strengthening trade connectivity, and becoming a transportation backbone in the province," he said.

For information, PSN which is currently operating in Central Java is the Trans Java (Central Java) Toll Road, Batang PLTU, Cacaban Reservoir, Randugunting Dam, Tanjung Intan Port Development (Cilacap), JB Sudirman Airport (Purbalingga), South Java Railway Double Track, Pidekso Dam, and Ngloram Airport (Blora).

Furthermore, PSN which has partially operated and needs to be encouraged further, namely Batang Integrated Industrial Estate and Demak Toll Road (Sayung Ruas Demak).

"Demak toll road construction will also be directed at the construction of coastal/sea embankments and the beginning of the construction of Giant Sea Wall, considering that several areas of North Java have experienced a surface decline," he said.

For information, Airlangga's statement was delivered in order to discuss the acceleration of the completion of the PSN development together with the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo and related ministries/agencies earlier this week in Jakarta.

In order to encourage the acceleration of Airlangga's completion, he hopes for support from the local government. The meeting has also been agreed to make a field visit to directly review the progress of the PSN development in question.

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