
SEMARANG - The increase in the price of rice and cooking oil is a factor in inflation in Central Java. To overcome this inflation, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has made efforts from upstream to downstream by cooperating with Bulog and the Police.

After participating in a virtual coordination meeting weekly with the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) led by Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Wednesday 8 February, Ganjar paid special attention to rising commodity prices that cause inflation. "Especially rice, the second is cooking oil," he said.

Fix The Upstream Side 

From the upstream side, Ganjar takes monitoring and control measures. Based on the report he received, Ganjar said that four areas in Central Java, namely Grobogan, Demak, Rembang, and Cilacap, had already started harvesting.

"The harvest has started, but there are still a few. The prices are higher, the farmers will definitely like this," he said.

The former member of the Republic of Indonesia DPR hopes that all parties can participate in controlling this availability. So that the need for rice in Central Java can be met.

"I received information that there were buyers from West Java, so they came first to buy. Something like this is fine, but we should all control it so we can know whether there is stock or not, where, how much, and so on," he insisted.

Ganjar Pranowo meminta data lengkap pada Bulog tentang ketersediaan beras. (IST)
Ganjar Pranowo asked Bulog for complete data on rice availability. (SPC)

Then from the middle side, Ganjar Pranowo coordinated with a number of related institutions. Among them, Bulog, Ganjar asked for complete data and statistics on the availability of rice.

"Now this stock is what we are trying to calculate in terms of adequacy. And the stock is not only a static stock, how many are there, but the dynamics are related to the harvest period which will occur in the next few months, around the end of February to March there will be a big harvest," he explained.

Meanwhile, on the downstream side, continued Ganjar, market operations continue to be carried out. For this reason, BI, Bulog, and BPS have a role to provide data related to the distribution of commodity availability in the regions.

"This is what we have to really monitor so that there is a balance between the needs of the community and the supply that is being provided, so I ask everyone now to check in the field so we can find out," he said.

Ganjar emphasized that monitoring efforts by direct descendants must be routinely carried out. According to him, this is effective in knowing the distribution chain and at which point the supply is experiencing problems that trigger price increases.

Ganjar also encouraged the police to take firm action against irresponsible individuals who played a role in this inflationary situation.

"We do it to control inflation and project it for the foreseeable future. This is the result of the direction of the Minister of Home Affairs so that the regions can immediately carry it out and tomorrow the Criminal Investigation Committee (Polda Central Java) will release a number of those who are indicated to have committed actions that have the potential to violate the law," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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