
JAKARTA - The main director of Perum Bulog Budi Waseso explained a number of reasons for the delay in the import of 350,000 tons of soybeans to Indonesia.

In fact, the government has given the assignment since November 2022.

Buwas, the nickname for Budi Waseso, said that his party could not just import it.

According to him, his party must look at the quality and quantity of soybean prices from partner countries that are being explored.

"Now with regard to stocks in several countries, we also have to know the standards, we can't just import them," he said after a working meeting with Commission IV of the DPR, Monday, January 16.

Buwas emphasized that Bulog did not want to rush into deciding to import.

This is because they have to adapt to the needs of tofu and tempeh artisans in the country.

"We have to adapt it to the needs of tofu and tempeh producers, especially that," said Buwas.

Even though it was late, Buwas admitted that Bulog had explored business cooperation with several countries.

In fact, it has contracted with companies from the United States (US), Brazil and several other countries.

Related to the implementation or realization of imports, Buwas was reluctant to disclose this. However, Buwas ensured that a trial process for soybean production had been carried out, in which the raw materials came from other countries.

In fact, Buwas claims, the results are satisfactory and can be accepted by tofu and tempeh craftsmen.

He said Bulog would mediate regarding the price of soybeans from the country in question.

"Now, we just have to make sure from that country so that the quality and quantity of the price reaches us," he said.

According to Buwas, price conversions are constantly changing.

Therefore, the figures must be approved by Bulog and partner countries before it is decided to send them to Indonesia.

"We want to talk about it, once we get a contract, it will take several months. This means gradually, later in the process of going up (the price) of course, imports are not useful for tofu tempe producers," he said.

As previously reported, the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan criticized Perum Bulog for being slow to realize the import of 350,000 tons of soybeans.

In fact, he said, Bulog claimed to be ready to carry out the assignment. However, until now Bulog's promise has not been realized

"At that time, Bulog (Principal Director) said that it could reach IDR 10,500. From November to December, it didn't show up," he said when met in Cilegon, Banten, Sunday, January 15.

Zulhas said he was furious because Bulog had not kept its promise. In fact, according to him, when the stock is fulfilled, market intervention can be carried out. This method is believed to be able to reduce prices in the market.

"I protested hard because the promises, 'this item will come sir at the end of December' didn't come either, he said January, what date is it, I don't think this will be easy," he said.

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