
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani revealed that she had been a survivor of COVID-19 during an official working visit to New York, United States (US) about two weeks ago. She shared the news through her personal Instagram account @smindrawati today.

“Two weeks ago, in the final part of my working visit to the United States, after having 47 very dense physical gatherings - often without a mask (according to US regulations). Also, in the midst of relatively cold and rainy spring weather and in a fasting state, I finally contracted COVID-19," she said on Monday, May 9.

In fact, the Minister of Finance revealed that she had received up to the third dose of vaccine. However, this is not a guarantee not to be infected. However, the state treasurer admitted that she only had a few health problems.

"Alhamdulillah, because I have received a complete anti-COVID-19 vaccine twice and also a booster vaccine of the mRNA type according to the government's vaccination regulations, I only experienced very mild symptoms. A little cough and runny nose with a bit of a headache for a few days," she said.

Furthermore, she also followed the health rules while in the US in accordance with the provisions made by local authorities.

"According to the rules in the United States, because of mild symptoms, I have to self-isolate in New York. During self-isolation at the hotel, every morning sunbathing in the window," she said.

In order to get rid of the boredom of having to undergo isolation, the Minister of Finance then read a book from one of the world's tennis athletes.

“I was accompanied by the book RAFA - My Story about world champion Rafael Nadal. I admire the ethos and discipline, humility, and incredible family support that is written in the story of Rafael Nadal's struggle - to reach world number one and win an incredible grand slam."

“RAFA's story is really very inspiring and adds a life perspective to how a champion mentality is developed and how the role of family is very important in shaping him to be a good, humble, and tenacious human being. RAFA's book became a friend who added to my enthusiasm to recover," she continued.

Sri Mulyani herself felt lucky because the recovery process she was undergoing was relatively faster so she could return to the country.

“Alhamdulillah, I recovered in a relatively short time, so I can return to Indonesia soon and can still celebrate Eid with my family in Semarang. Have you fully vaccinated against COVID-19? It is better to be disciplined in following the vaccination schedule according to government recommendations. Stay health disciplined. Don't forget the complete vaccine and booster," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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