
JAKARTA - Pertamina NRE has completed the provision of a 2 MW Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in the Dumai Refinery area. The PLTS Refinery Dumai adds to the list of Pertamina refineries that are converting to the use of environmentally friendly electrical energy.

Pertamina NRE Corporate Secretary Dicky Septriadi in his statement revealed that last year PLTS with an installed capacity of 1.34 MW was operating in the Cilacap refinery area.

“The PLTS at the Cilacap Refinery of 1.34 MW and the Dumai Refinery of 2 MW as well as the PLTS at 143 gas stations of more than 1 MW are part of our initial step in making the energy transition within Pertamina. Pertamina's internal PLTS potential is quite large, reaching around 500 MW. With the support and solid cooperation within the Pertamina Group, we are optimistic that we can make it happen," said Dicky in a written statement, Wednesday, April 6.

Dicky explained, that PLTS Refinery Dumai is a ground-mounted PLTS built on an area of about 2 hectares with an on-grid system and is currently the largest ground-mounted PLTS in Riau.

The Dumai PLTS Refinery will also supply electricity to residential facilities belonging to the Dumai Refinery.

"It is estimated that the percentage of clean energy supply can meet around 20-30 percent of the overall electricity demand in the area," he continued.

Meanwhile, the potential electricity produced reaches 2.5 GWh in a year and has the potential to reduce CO2 by 2.052 tons per year. The potential for reducing emissions is also equivalent to the absorption of CO2 by 97.000 trees in a year.

“PT Refinery Pertamina Internasional implements various supporting programs, one of which is decarbonization. This is carried out by using PLTS for offices and workers' residential complexes at the Dumai and Cilacap refineries," said PT Pertamina International Refinery Corporate Secretary Ifki Sukarya.

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