
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) together with its two subsidiaries, PT Indonesia Power and PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali (PJB) participated in a capacity-building program in three European countries, namely the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium.

PLN's Director of Human Resources Management, Yusuf Didi Setiarto, said that increasing the capacity of human resources is very important considering that PLN and its subsidiaries have an important role in reducing emissions in Indonesia and carbon trading.

"The capacity building will help us accelerate and make carbon trading more effective," said Didi in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, March 30.

The capacity building program entitled "Implementing Emission Trading System: Lessons from Europe", is a collaboration between PLN and Energy Academy Indonesia (ECADIN) as a knowledge partner. On the first day, the program was held at the Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands.

The Dutch Emissions Authority also conveyed the Fit For 55 strategy, known as the 55 percent reduction strategy for Dutch emissions by 2030. This strategy is carried out in accordance with the commitments of countries that are members of the European Union.

Didi said that last year PLN had conducted a trial of the emissions trading system or ETS involving 26 steam power plants (PLTU). This trial is the first time in Indonesia.

"This successful trial is a milestone for the Indonesian government in implementing the carbon tax and carbon trading regulations in April," said Didi.

Didi stated that PLN has prepared tactical steps, starting from formulating strategies, strengthening human resource capabilities, as well as company action plans to ensure carbon trading runs optimally.

"We are also strengthening our internal system to measure and verify emissions trading so that we can make a real contribution to emission reductions," Didi explained.

He believes that PLN can become the driving force as well as the leading sector in carbon emission trading in Indonesia.

"Our vision is to lead Indonesia's energy transition while maintaining long-term growth," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo had issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 98 of 2021 concerning the Economic Value of Carbon (NEK). Through this Presidential Regulation, Indonesia is positioning itself as the first mover for market-based climate change mitigation at the global level towards a sustainable economic recovery.

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