
YOGYAKARTA Sports that combine between the mind and the body or what is familiarly called yoga can actually be done by children. This physical activity is even claimed to increase physical strength, improve concentration and focus, to improve the quality of children's sleep. Well, for parents who want to invite their children to do this sport, here are recommendations for yoga movements for children and how to do it. Read it to the end, yes!

Summarized from various sources, Saturday, November 11, 2023, there are at least three yoga poses that can be taught to children, including:

1. Tree pose

This one yoga movement can increase children's concentration. In addition, tree poses can also stimulate the development of the child's body balance.

Berikut tahapan melakukan pose pohon untuk anak:

For children who have problems in balance, let them stretch their hands to the side. Ask your little one to pretend that their arm is a strong branch.

For smaller children, you can modify the pose by getting your hands closer to your heart and forming a triangle with one leg. Change on the other.

2. butterfly pose

Butterfly pose is a yoga movement that children like. The butterfly pose can relieve stress and fatigue.

Adapting Healthline, butterfly poses can increase flexibility and reduce strain on children.

Here are the stages of performing butterfly poses for children:

3. Airplane pose

Quoted from the Flow And Grow Kids Yoga page, aircraft poses have a myriad of benefits for children, including:

Aircraft poses for children can be done by:

That's the information about yoga for children. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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