JAKARTA Wiljan Pluim officially separated from PSM Makassar after seven years in uniform with the team nicknamed Juku Eja.
PSM officially announced the separation on Monday, October 9, 2023, through social media. The Dutchman left the team in an unfavorable situation.
"At that time it had arrived. Sooner or later in the meeting, there would definitely be a separation. After going through a long discussion process, PSM Makassar and Pluim finally agreed to end the cooperation that had existed for more than 7 years," PSM wrote in an upload on Instagram.
Pluim's contract with PSM actually still remains until 2025. However, both parties decided to separate after Aksa Mahmud, the boss of the Bosowa Group, the club's main sponsor, asked the management to expel Pluim.
Aksa made the decision because he considered Pluim to be old, so it was necessary to regenerate younger players who were fitter.
"On behalf of the big family, PSM Makassar expresses his deepest appreciation and gratitude to Pluim for all the contributions, loyalty, and togetherness that he has given for 7 years and 2 months," wrote PSM.
— PSM Makassar (@PSM_Makassar) October 9, 2023
Wiljan Pluim defended PSM Makassar since 2016. That time range also made him the longest foreign player to defend a club in the Indonesian League competition to date.
The 34-year-old player last season brought Juku Eja to become the 2022/2023 Indonesian League 1 champion. At that time he was also named the best player of Indonesia's highest caste.
"The captain's moment of joy and sorrow will always be remembered and irreplaceable. Thank you, Wiljan "Tetta" Pluim! Thanks captain, thanks the Maestro, thanks Plumu!" concluded PSM.
Until now there has been no signal from which club will be the following destination for the player.
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