JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has assigned the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to conduct an audit and evaluation of several stadiums in Indonesia. This is the aftermath of the Kanjuruhan Malang Tragedy incident, in early October 2022.
President Jokowi's move was taken to support better Indonesian football, especially regarding the safety and comfort of supporters.
In his presentation when observing the location of the construction of the national football training centre, the number one person in Indonesia said that 22 stadiums were being evaluated.
"There are 22 stadiums with a capacity of approximately 20,000 spectators, with a high risk, during League 1 and League 2 and also for the 2023 U-20 World Cup", said Jokowi, as quoted from Presidenri.go.id, Friday, 24 February.
The results of the evaluation revealed that five stadiums were in the category of heavily damaged. Where four locations need to be rehabilitated and one stadium needs to be demolished.
For the rest, President Jokowi said there were 13 stadiums with moderate damage so they only needed renovation. While the other four need light renovation because their condition is not too concerning.
Meanwhile, regarding the Kanjuruhan Stadium, the former Solo Mayor said, it would be totally rehabilitated. But currently, it is still in the stage of determining the redesign.
"This (Kanjuruhan Stadium) is just in the process of being redesigned for its total rehabilitation", said the President.
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