SOLO - The Indonesian contingent harvested a gold medal on the third day of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games, Monday, August 1. This is in accordance with the predictions of the Chairman of the Indonesia ASEAN Para Games Organizing Committee (INASPOC), Gibran Rakabuming Raka.
The man who is also the mayor of Solo said that Indonesian athletes will get many gold medals on the third day of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games.
Evidently, 28 gold medals were won by the Indonesian contingent. The breakdown is six gold medals from table tennis, seven gold medals from swimming, 11 gold medals from athletics, three from weightlifting, and one from badminton.
However, not all gold medals were inaugurated with a ceremony honoring the winner. For example, in athletics, there were only two gold medals, and a ceremony honoring the winners was held.
The two numbers are 100 meters T42 in Evi's name and 100 meters T46 in Firsa's name. "Others include discus throwing and shot put, not yet," said Indonesian athletics coach Slamet Widodo, as quoted by Antara.
Slamet admitted that his team's achievement on the third day of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games exceeded the previously announced target of 10 gold medals. He hopes, the goal of becoming the overall champion can be achieved.
If athletics is able to exceed the target, not so with the swimmers. The Indonesian contingent failed to meet the target of the first day with 10 gold medals. That is, three missed numbers.
"Today's total gains are seven gold, nine silver and seven bronze," said the coordinator of the Indonesian swimming coach, Dimin.
However, he remains confident that he can meet the target at the 2022 ASEAN Para Games with 27 gold medals. The reason is, there is still a chance to create a surprise from an unseeded number.
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