
JAKARTA - Sad news came from the world of Indonesian boxing. Hero Tito died after being critical after the duel at Holywings Jakarta last Sunday, 27 February.

Hero Tito suffered a brain swelling injury after receiving a heavy blow from James Mokoginta in the Holywings Sport Show Boxing ring. Hero fell in the 7th round due to an uppercut that landed heavily on the jaw.

Hero Tito's figure is not as famous as Daud Jordan or Chris John. However, his name is quite familiar among boxing lovers.

Hero Tito is a boxer from Pakis District, Malang Regency, who was able to penetrate the international boxing ring with his personal struggle.

He once held the world title version of the World Professional Boxing Federation (WPBF). The 36-year-old man holds the WPBF lightweight 61.2 kg world championship belt.

He secured the title since dropping boxer from Thailand, Thongchai Kunram. The two of them dueled in the 2016 Xanana Gold Belt World Boxing Championships, at Lospalos Gymnasium, Timor Leste in November 2016.

Hero Tito Known to be Independent

The figure of the father of two children is considered independent. Hero Tito even assembled his own portion of training to face a battle.

If you have got a match contract agreement outside, Hero Tito does not hesitate to undergo independent preparation. Even until the process of getting flight tickets and visas, he did it himself.

Departing unaccompanied to compete abroad is nothing new for Hero Tito. He once went to South Korea alone when he was going to fight boxer Doong Hoon Yook in Busan, in 2016.

Beginning of Hero Tito's Boxing Career

Hero Tito began to pursue the world of boxing at the age of 12. Under the influence of his father and brother, the young Hero Tito started his achievements in amateur boxing at regional championships.

The gold medal in the 45 Kg Light Kite class is one of his pride. Hero Tito's amateur boxing career was then spent in Kalimantan, before finally returning to Malang and choosing to take the professional path.

Who would have thought, Hero Tito, who was a world champion, had experienced being a parking attendant and security guard. This was done to provide for the family's economy.

Goodbye, Hero Tito!

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