JAKARTA – Madura United FC's match against Persipura Jayapura has been officially postponed. The decision to postpone the decision after the finding that there were players who tested positive for COVID-19.
The Madura and Persipura duel is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at Kompyang Sujana Stadium, Denpasar, on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at 16.15 p.m. local time. However, it must be postponed based on the results of the emergency meeting.
The meeting was chaired directly by the President Director of PT (LIB), Akhmad Hadian Lukita and followed by the Director of Operations of LIB. Present at this meeting were representatives of Madura United and Persipura Jayapura along with several related parties.
PT LIB's operational director, Sudjarno, explained that the Madura United versus Persipura match had to be postponed due to unforeseen conditions.
"There is a Madura United player who has been exposed to COVID-19 and is injured. Currently, there are less than 14 players who are ready to compete. In accordance with the regulations, we held an emergency meeting and decided the match was postponed," explained Sudjarno in a statement on the LIB's official website.
In the Indonesian League 1 Regulation Article 52 point 7 it has been explained that if a team has less than 14 players on a match day, LIB and the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) must hold a meeting to decide whether the match is postponed or not and the decision is final.
Surjano said that the steps his party took were always in accordance with regulations. In particular, the postponement of the Madura United versus Persipura match, has been known and understood jointly by many parties involved in organizing the match.
“This includes match equipment, LOC, and host broadcasters. We have also discussed it with the PSSI," added Sudjarno.
Regarding the postponement of the above match, LIB has also officially communicated to Madura United, Persipura and several related parties via letter numbered 047/LIB-KOM/II/2022.
"We will announce the schedule for the Madura United versus Persipura match later," said Sudjarno.
Until now, LIB has not wanted to stop the competition even though COVID-19 cases have started to spread again.
By January 2022, there were at least six clubs whose players tested positive for COVID-19. These clubs are Arema FC, Persebaya, Persib, Persija, PSM and PSS. Sudjarno emphasized that almost all of the players infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus without symptoms.
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