
JAKARTA – It seems fair at first, but it turns out that Meranti Islands Regent Muhammad Adil is not as fair as he thought. The corruption case that currently ensnares him, is like cutting his nose off to spite his face.

During the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for Regional Revenue and Expenditure Management in Pekanbaru on December 8, he spoke out loudly demanding justice regarding the matter of sharing funds for oil production in his region.

The lifting of oil at Meranti has increased drastically, almost doubled, reaching 8,000 barrels per day. Not to mention, the assumed oil price in the state budget rose to US$100 per barrel from the previous US$60 per barrel.

"But why did we only receive IDR 115 billion in profit-sharing funds, only an increase of around IDR 700 million compared to the previous year. There's a lot of oil, how come you get a lot of money instead of less money. Will my money be shared throughout Indonesia?” Adil asked the Director General of Financial Balance at the Ministry of Finance, Lucky Alfirman.

"If you don't want to take care of us, the center doesn't want to take care of Meranti, give us to the neighboring country," Muhammad Adil continued.

Meranti Islands Regent, Muhammad Adil when questioning oil revenue-sharing funds to the Ministry of Finance during the National Coordination Meeting on Regional Revenue and Expenditure Management in Pekanbaru on December 8, 2022. (Antara/HO-Prokopim Setda Meranti Islands)

He claimed that he had sought an explanation from the Ministry of Finance with direct audiences regarding this matter. In fact, Adil admitted that he even went to Bandung, West Java, just to meet. Unfortunately, the meeting was not attended by competent officials who answered his questions.

"Until I said that, this financial person is filled with the devil or demons," he said.

The potential of natural resources in the Meranti Islands Regency is very abundant. Not only the oil and gas sector, but also marine and plantation products such as sago, coconut, rubber, areca nut, and coffee.

But in reality, this potential is inversely proportional to the level of welfare of the population. Meranti Islands Regency, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) 2021, is the poorest region compared to 12 other districts/cities in Riau. It is recorded that there are 48.5 thousand people or around 25.68 percent of the people living below the poverty line.

In fact, the number is expected to increase at this time. The unemployment rate is just increasing. Muhammad Adil said, "Up to 41 thousand people could become unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic."

As it turned out, this reality was not only due to the alleged unequal distribution of proceeds, but also due to the corrupt behavior of the regional leaders and officials themselves.

Meranti Islands Regent Muhammad Adil (center in a yellow vest) and two other suspects during a press conference at the KPK's Merah Putih Building, South Jakarta, on April 7, 2023. (Antara/Fianda Sjofjan Rassat)

Instead of being able to achieve justice for his people, Adil and dozens of officials from the Meranti Islands Regency Government from the regional secretary, heads of services and agencies, heads of fields, and other officials were caught in the Corruption Eradication Commission's (KPK) Hand-Catching Operation (OTT).

Adil, according to KPK deputy chairman Alexander Marwata, was involved in accepting bribes. He allegedly ordered the head of the service to give a deposit from the supply money and replace the supply money for each service by 5-10 percent.

"The deposit is then used as operational funds for political safari activities for the candidate concerned to run for the governorship of Riau in 2024. The deposit currently collected is IDR 26.1 billion, of course, it will be followed up," said Marwata on April 7.

Psychology of Corruption 

Based on the State Administration Wealth Report (LHKPN) reported on March 29, 2022, Muhammad Adil's assets reached IDR 4.7 billion. He owns 73 types of self-produced land and buildings located in Riau Province. Also, five motorized vehicles, and IDR 200 million in cash. Adil is also listed as having no debt.

Why do people who have enough materially still want to commit corruption? Even though clear and firm religious rules and laws in force in Indonesia prohibit it. In fact, as the leader of Adil and Meranti Island officials, of course, they also understand the impact of corrupt behavior on the prosperity of the area they lead.

Wijayanto and Ridwan Zachrie analyzed it from a psychological perspective. According to them, as written in the book 'Korupsi Mengorupsi di Indonesia: Sebab, Akibat, dan Prospek Pemberantasan Korupsi', the human mental condition is truly very fragile and fluctuating, always wavy up and down permanently.

Vulnerable to being tempted and slipping into doing things that are prohibited by common sense and religion. All humans are equipped with the mind to design a straight and correct life scheme. Heart and emotions as the driving force, as well as hands and feet to carry out decisions.

Unfortunately, these main components are not always in sync in sustaining life. The heart component has lust, desire, and is always in pursuit of pleasure. Often walks alone and does not want to listen to commands and warnings of common sense.

The atmosphere of downtown Selatpanjang, the capital city of the Meranti Islands Regency, which is one of the poorest districts in Riau Province, despite being rich in oil. (Wikimedia Commons)

“Small examples of the habit of consuming liquor or smoking. If asked rationally, everyone would answer that habit is bad and destructive. However, he is unable to resist and control his emotions which have been spoiled by the momentary pleasures that have invaded his soul," he said.

It's the same with corruption. Socio-psychologically, when a person is unable to control his soul so that it is more dominated by the urge to pursue pleasure, in fact, his life is stuck at the animal level, failing to make human values ​​and qualities a leader in his life.

Such a person, although outwardly rich, is actually poor in spirit. Despite their high education and position, life orientation is low. Even though he looks dashing and energetic, his soul hurts. So, people who enjoy doing corruption have a sick soul, unable to raise the quality and commitment of their life to a higher level.

"Therefore, social facts show that even though a country is secular and has no religion, if it has a good education and economy and upholds the law, it is more capable of reducing corruption than a society that is religious but poor in social and humanitarian commitment," wrote Wijayanto and Ridwan Zachrie.

Look at Canada, India, France, Turkey, and South Korea, these countries can transform into developed countries because they have succeeded in controlling corrupt behavior in their countries. How about Indonesia?

Professor of political science, Prof. Salim Said once stated, “Why is Indonesia not progressing because God is not even feared. Take a look at all those who entered the KPK, all of them have been sworn in under a holy book after that they violated it, they are not afraid of God. A nation that no one is afraid of, will not progress."

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