
JAKARTA - The image of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as an anti-corruption agency has not been proven. For almost 19 years, starting from the leadership of Taufiequrachman Ruki to Firli Bahuri at this time, the KPK has not been able to clean up the virus that is eating away at his body. There are still unscrupulous members of the KPK who are caught up in scandals.

In fact, the KPK continues to make internal improvements. Among other things by including women in the body of leadership. With the hope that there will be no more cases of love triangles and 'butterfly gratification' ensnaring the men leading the KPK. Things that understand, wealth, throne, women have become the test of Adam.

CCP building. (Between)

On the other hand, women are considered to be supervisors for men. Women have advantages in terms of multitasking, and have higher intuition, patience, high empathy, can build a wider network, and can lead in an egalitarian way. Women are also not the main source of income in the family, so the hope is that they can avoid attempts to bribe corruptors.

The reforms began to be implemented during the election of candidates for KPK leaders for the 2015-2019 period.

"It's a shame if the advantages of women are not used in building the KPK and the country so that it is free of corruption," said the spokesperson for the KPK candidate selection committee, Betty Alisjahbana at the time.

Basaria Panjaitan

The first female figure at the leadership level is Basaria Panjaitan as Deputy Chair of the KPK for the 2015-2019 period. The tasks of the KPK are certainly not foreign because Basaria has been in the field of police investigation for quite a long time. It is noted that she once questioned the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Commissioner General Susno Duadji when he was the main investigator of the Directorate of Certain Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters. She is the first woman to hold the rank of two stars in the history of the National Police.

The appointment of Basaria to the ranks of the KPK leaders certainly raises question marks. Many people doubt her integrity. How can Basaria handle corruption cases involving the National Police, while this is the institution that raises it. Will the KPK later only serve as a tool for crushing the interests of law enforcement institutions?

Based on the 2015-2019 performance report, the KPK has conducted 498 investigations, 539 investigations, and 433 prosecutions. A total of 286 cases have obtained permanent legal force (inkrah) and 383 cases are in the execution stage.

When Basaria Panjaitan became Deputy Chair of the 2015-2019 KPK, there was no handling of corruption cases involving law enforcement officers. (Antara/Hafidz Mubarak A)

At least, there are 4 major cases that have been successfully uncovered: The 2017 e-KTP corruption case that made former DPR Speaker Setya Novanto, former DPR member Miryam SH, and two former Ministry of Home Affairs officials Irman and Sugiharto convicts; The Riau PLTU Project with the suspects former Social Minister Idrus Marham, former PLN president director Sofyan Basir, and Chairman of Commission VII DPR Eni Maulani Saragih; The Maritime Security Agency case; Case of procurement of Airbus aircraft engines at PT Garuda Indonesia.

Of the many cases handled, almost none involved law enforcement. No more Gecko versus Crocodile next volume.

Lili Pintauli Siregar

The second woman is an advocate named Lili Pintauli Siregar. Before becoming the Deputy Chair of the KPK for the 2019-2023 period, Lili served as a Commissioner for the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) for two terms.

Her track record at the KPK is not as good as Basaria's. In August 2021, the KPK Supervisory Board stated that Lili violated the code of ethics related to the abuse of influence as a KPK leader for personal interests and was in direct contact with the litigants, namely the Mayor of Tanjungbalai City, M Syahrial.

Initially, Lili had denied having communicated with M Syahrial, even though the denial was conveyed directly in a press conference on April 30, 2021. However, during the ethics session of the Supervisory Board, Lili admitted that she had lied to the public. The Supervisory Board finally gave a severe sanction in the form of a 40 percent salary cut for 12 months.

Violations of the code of ethics are repeated. It is suspected that Lili received gratification in the form of accommodation and tickets to watch the Mandalika MotoGP worth around IDR 90 million from PT Pertamina (Persero) in March 2022.

Then, on June 30, 2022, Lili submitted a letter of resignation. The KPK Supervisory Board was ready to try her on Monday (11/7) but failed because President Jokowi had signed Lili's resignation letter.

"So the code of ethics can no longer be accounted for to the examinee. So the Ethics Council declares the ethics trial regarding ethical and behavioral violations to be invalid," said KPK Supervisory Board Chair Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean during an online press conference, Monday (11/7).

KPK's Version of Integrity Formulation

From this little discussion, is it true that the presence of women in the ranks of KPK leaders can have a positive impact? Can the KPK turn into a truly anti-corruption institution?

Women with their advantages do provide a different color in leadership. However, it still takes high integrity to make it happen.

Integrity is very important and fundamental. If the values of integrity are not reflected in the behavior of the KPK leaders when carrying out their duties, the reputation of the KPK in the eyes of the community will decrease. People no longer believe it is even possible that people will regard the KPK as only a tool of power.

Reporting from the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia formulates integrity into three value components.

First, the core values of integrity, namely: honesty, responsible, and disciplined. Integrity honest is upright, not cheating and not lying. Responsibility means being ready to bear the consequences of one's actions or not throwing away. Discipline is an attitude of obeying the rules, both written and unwritten.

Lili Pintauli Siregar and the 2019-2023 KPK leadership ranks after being sworn in and taking the oath before President Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta on December 20, 2019. (Republic of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia / Agung)

Second, is the value of work ethic integrity, which is independence, hard work, and simplicity. Independent means not depending on others. Hard work means persistent and focused in doing something, and not carelessly. Simple means unpretentious and not excessive.

Third, is the value of attitude integrity, which is courageous, caring, and fair. To be brave means to be determined and confident, not afraid to face dangers, difficulties, and the like. To care means to heed, pay attention to, or care about other people. Fair is to act appropriately and not arbitrarily.

The logical consequence of the existence of integrity values in the soul, will make a person strive to achieve a maximum work ethic in carrying out his duties and providing services to the community.

It's easy to say but hard to maintain and maintain. You see, all institutions include integrity as a requirement to become a member. Moreover, state administration and law enforcement agencies, including the KPK. However, in reality, fraudulent practices still occur.

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