JAKARTA - Culinary is a form of soft power diplomacy strategy that has proven effective, said Indonesian Foreign Minister Sugiono.
This was said by Foreign Minister Sugiono on the sidelines of the launch of the Indonesian Gastrodislomacy Dashboard at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Monday.
"Culinary is one of the soft power diplomacy strategies that has proven effective in becoming a cultural bridge and has great potential to improve economic, trade and international relations," said Foreign Minister Sugiono in a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Monday, December 30.
In the economic sector itself, so far as many as 30 spice products and 9 Indonesian spice products have been exported to various countries in 2024.
Furthermore, the Indonesian Foreign Minister on this occasion underlined that promoting Indonesian Gastronomi is not easy and cannot run alone.
"There needs to be coordination, collaboration, and synergy from all stakeholders to make Indonesian culinary delights a national branding," explained Foreign Minister Sugiono.
Terkait itu, peluncuran kali ini dihadiri oleh perwakilan Kementerian Perdagangan, Kementerian UMKM, Kementerian Pariwisata, BUMN, hingga pakar kuliner seperti William Wongso dan berbagai asosiasi mitra gastrodislompi Indonesia seperti Komite Kuliner Indonesia (KKKI), Indonesia Gastronomy Community (IGC) dan Aku Cinta Makan Indonesia (AKMI).
The launch of the Indonesian Gastrodislomacy Dashboard was also followed online by Indonesian Ambassadors in various Indonesian representatives.
Meanwhile, Deputy for Cultural and Design Creativity at the Ministry of Creative Economy Yuke Sri Rahayu said his ministry was ready to support the implementation of Indonesian gastro-division.
"Kemenekraf will continue to encourage the strengthening of the implementation of Indonesian gastrodislomacy. We believe that with this dashboard, Indonesian Gastronomi can be known more quickly in the eyes of the world," said Yuke.
It is known that the Indonesian Gastrodispology Dashboard is a platform built as an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide references to domestic culinary players and Indonesian Representatives abroad in developing an effective gastrodisporation strategy to support economic diplomacy, the promotion of culinary as a soft power asset of Indonesian diplomacy, supports the 'Indonesia Spice Up The World' program which has been going on since 2021.
Dashboard Gastrodiplomasi Indonesia menyajikan visualisasi data restoran dan produk rempah dan bumbu Indonesia di luar negeri berdasarkan olahan hasil survei yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Luar Negeri pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2024, bekerja sama dengan Perwakilan RI. Hasil Survei 2024 mencatat sejumlah 1.221 restoran Indonesia di luar negeri. Dashboard Gastrodiplomasi Indonesia dapat diakses melalui tautan https://gastrodiplomasi.kemlu.go.id/dashboard.
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