
JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police has prepared mitigation to overcome and unravel traffic jams during the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year holidays.

"We have mitigated the potential for congestion," said Head of Korlantas Polri Inspector General of Police Aan Suhanan in Jakarta, Sunday.

Aan explained that the Korlantas Polri had divided the points of traffic jams into three clusters, namely routes to ports and airports, toll roads and arterial routes.

"Access to ports, ferry ports, especially, then airports, we mitigate access, there is a potential for traffic jams," he said.

As for toll road clusters, said Aan, there are several points that have the potential for traffic jams due to bottlenecks or narrowing of lanes, then rest areas. In addition, there is still the potential for congestion due to drivers stopping on the shoulder of the road.

"Then in the arteries and on tourist roads there is also a potential for congestion, there is a spilled market, there are more than 100 spilled markets, there are railroad crossings, there are community crowd activities. We have mitigated this, we have prepared all strategies to deal with the potential for congestion," said Aan.

These various police steps are part of the Candle Operation which will be held from 22 December 2024 to 2 January 2025. The main purpose of the operation is to maintain the safety and comfort of the community during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

One of the other steps to mitigate the National Police is to prohibit goods transport trucks from crossing toll roads during the Candle Operation. The operating hours of goods transport trucks on arterial routes will also be limited, namely that they are only allowed to operate from 22.00 to 05.00.

Previously, Korlantas Polri had also held a tactical floor game (TFG) to ensure the readiness of the Candle Operation.

TFG is a tactical simulation of the National Police's operation using a map medium on the floor to provide an overview of field conditions that may occur during the execution of the task.

TFG was attended by representatives from the Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) Polda Metro Jaya, Polda West Java, Polda Central Java, Polda Special Region Yogyakarta, Polda East Java, and Polda Bali.

On that occasion, each region explained a strategy in anticipating the movement of the community during the 2024 Candle Operation.

The TFG also involves various stakeholders involved in the movement of the community during Christmas and New Year celebrations. The stakeholders also provided input to ensure the convenience of community movement during the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year holidays.

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