
JAKARTA - A drinking bottle is an object that most people use to support their daily activities. However, the use of drinking bottles must be considered and diligently clean them, because otherwise it will be a breeding ground for germs.

A study in Annals of Civil Environmental Engineering found that adult drinking water bottles contain around 75 thousand bacteria. This number is more compared to bacteria in toilets in general.

Quoting from Popular Science, on Sunday, December 15, 2024, drinking bottles can be a hotbed of dangerous germs, one of which is Staphylococcus aureus. This can cause skin infections to pneumoni or flu viruses, to herpes.

Whenever you inhale water from a drinking bottle, you can move bacteria from the mouth to the bottle. Even in good health, germs can stick to the bottle, but fortunately most of the turnover is harmless.

However, it is different if the hands are dirty and stick to the drinking bottles. Germs like E.coli can stick and cause various digestive problems, if the bottles are not cleaned properly.

Not only that, drinking bottles can also become a hotbed of various types of mushrooms if they are not cleaned regularly. For example, Adala black fungus, chickenrys chartarum.

A certified fungi expert, Jennifer Nitrio said that the fungus likes a moist, dark, and warm environment. Bacteria from the mouth that stop in the drinking bottle can be a delicious intake for mushrooms to continue to breed.

Unprecise cleaning (drug bottles), 90 percent raise the spirit of mushrooms to grow. The possibility of fungi on glass (bottles) is just as big as plastic and metal," said Jennifer Nitrio.

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