JAKARTA - Investigators from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) have completed 131 cases in the financial services sector until November 30, 2024.
"In carrying out the investigation function, until November 30, 2024, OJK investigators have completed a total of 131 cases," said Deputy Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mirza Adityaswara during a press conference of the OJK Board of Commissioners (RDK) Meeting, quoted in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 15.
The entire case consists of 105 banking cases, five capital market and carbon exchange cases (PMDK), 20 insurance cases, guarantees, and pension funds (PPDP), as well as one case of financing institutions, venture capital companies, micro financial institutions, and other financial services institutions (PVML).
The number of cases that have been decided by the court is 117 cases, of which 109 cases have permanent legal provisions (in kracht) and eight cases are still in the cassation stage.
With various policies carried out by the OJK and steps to enforce provisions and improve integrity, the OJK believes that the financial services sector can be maintained and contribute optimally to the national economy.
Similarly, Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mahendra Siregar assessed that the stability of the financial services sector is stable amid increasing geopolitical risks and improving global economic activity.
According to Mahendra, the victory of President-elect Donald Trump and Republicans in the United States is expected to increase the tension of the trade war.
However, amid the high geopolitical tensions and the potential impact of the trade protectionism plan that will be carried out by the Trump administration, the OJK continues to pay close attention to the latest developments and their impact on the domestic financial services sector and forward-looking assessments of the performance of the financial services sector.
Financial service institutions are expected to continue to be aware of potential risks in the future and have adequate risk mitigation measures.
In addition, OJK strengthens its commitment to continue to establish and strengthen bilateral cooperation, especially coordination of supervision in the financial services sector.
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