
The attorney for the alleged perpetrator, MAS, Amriadi, revealed that the paper written directly by his client did not contain an apology. The chronology of the stabbing of his family was also written by the perpetrator.

The teenager with the initials MAS is suspected of having committed the murder of his biological father, APW (40) and RM (69) at the Taman Bona Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta.

"Not only that (apologies) he also wrote to me in the chronology," Amriadi said when confirmed, Sunday, December 8.

However, when asked about the contents of the message that wrote the chronology of the incident, Amriadi admitted that he could not convey it. He asked the police to ask directly.

"Maybe the Resort Police used to answer first," he said.

Regarding the condition of his client after being placed in the Semantara Children's Correctional Prison (LPAS), said Amridian, MAS's condition continues to improve. Even now he can joke.

"The condition is, like that, physically healthy at LPAS, we can joke, if it's with me, we can talk normally and keep joking with the officers there," he said.

Previously, MAS (14), a high school teenager who was suspected of killing his biological father, APW (40) and his grandmother, RM (69) sent a written message to his family. This is the first letter he made after a bloody tragedy at Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta. What's in it?

In the letter, MAS wrote about him. He apologized to his family and explained that he was in good health at the Temporary Child Correctional Institution (LPAS).

"I'm sorry I've tried it, and thank you everyone. Like you guys, I will also help the crowd, thank you everyone. I'm now in good health," reads MAS, seen by VOI Friday, December 6.

MAS's attorney, Amriadi Pasaribu, said that the letter was written directly by MAS and wanted to be shown to his family.

"I just met MAS and saw his condition was healthy, he also wrote his hopes, he wrote on the paper in his own handwriting," Amriadi said.

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