
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) operates Weather Modification Technology (TMC) in Biak Numfor Regency, Papua, which is the peak location for the Sah Teluk Cenderawasih (STC) 2023 event. STC was held in several areas of Papua Province from November 21 to 27, 2023.

"TMC is carried out from BMKG assisted by BNPB, BRIN, TNI AU and other elements. Based on BMKG observations, there is a possibility of extreme weather at the location of the STC event. Just like the previous international event, namely the G20 Summit, the BMKG carried out the TMC scenario in Biak sky," said BMKG Head Dwikorita Karnawati, through a written statement received, Sunday, November 26.

Dwikorita conveyed, from the results of a coordination meeting with related agencies, the TMC operation was carried out for four days, namely on November 21-24, 2023. At least 14 sorties with a total of 14 tons of salt sprinkled in Biak Numfor's sky to anticipate the possibility of extreme weather.

"The BMKG is tasked with determining the clouds and coordinates of the semai NaCl or salt. After that, salt will be transported by plane belonging to the Indonesian Air Force and sprinkled manually above the target cloud. Competition of clouds or cloud mixing using salt will be carried out in cumulus rain clouds. Salt is smeared aimed at accelerating the process of rain so that it can happen immediately before entering the activity venue," said Dwikorita Karnawati.

The salt seasoning was carried out with details of the first day 2 tons of salt, the second and third days with 4 tons of salt, and the fourth day as much as 4 tons of salt. With a total material of 14 tons of salt in the implementation of TMC to reduce high rainfall or shift rain.

"I carried out direct monitoring at the TMC Command Post at the Manuha Air Base Base. This TMC operation was carried out to ensure that the event took place smoothly and successfully without extreme weather disturbances. Moreover, this November is the beginning of the rainy season," said Dwikorita.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Maritime Meteorology Center, Eko Prasetyo, emphasized BMKG's commitment to the success of the 2023 STC event by providing real-time public, maritime and flight information that can be accessed by the public through the InfoBMKG, Website, Social Media and special websites for the 2023 STC weather information. Including, he added, information about earthquakes and tsunamis.

"We have installed automatic weather measuring devices (Automatic Weather Stations) at a number of points spread across all event locations to support the successful implementation of the 2023 STC. God willing, everything can run smoothly. Since before the opening, to this day we have continued to monitor the potential for earthquakes and tsunamis in the 2023 STC region," said Eko.

Similarly, the Head of the Public Meteorology Center, Andri Ramdhani, revealed the success of the TMC operation because the BMKG managed to accurately predict the weather in the area and succeeded in determining the Semai object (cloud-ed) so that the rain could be lowered before arriving at the venue location.

"The peak event will be held in the Samau Beach Area, Biak Kota District, Biak Numfor Regency, Papua and will be attended by the President. According to BMKG predictions, extreme weather will occur in the area, so the TMC operation will be carried out immediately, considering that the event took place outdoors. Alhamdulillah, at exactly 08.30 WIT the weather was sunny and cloudy, even though at 05.30 WIT the rain was quite heavy," added Andri.

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