
The West Pasaman Resort Police (Polres), West Sumatra, has tightened supervision in border areas to anticipate the entry of drugs to the area.

"Supervision in the form of patrols and raids must be increased, especially the ranks of the Ranah Batahan Police and the Talamau Police," said West Pasaman Police Chief AKBP Agung Basuki, Sunday, November 26.

According to him, drug trafficking is currently heading to West Pasaman quite high. In general, the suspects admitted that the drugs came from the Mandailing Natal (Madina) area, North Sumatra

Geographically, he said, the northern part of West Pasaman is directly adjacent to Madina, North Sumatra, which is very prone to being used as a crossing for drug trafficking.

"We cannot continue to allow this and supervise through raids and patrols, both in the Batahan and Talu border areas, Talamau District," he said.

He asked the police station in border areas such as Ranah Batahan and Talamau to increase supervision through raids and patrols.

In addition, he also hopes that the public can provide information about drug trafficking. If there is information and people suspected, they are expected to immediately report it to the police

"Without support from all parties, it is impossible to achieve drug eradication according to the National Police Chief's program," he said.

According to him, from a number of cases that were revealed, in general, their confessions of the suspects brought drugs from North Sumatra to be circulated in West Pasaman and West Sumatra in general.

"Even the crossing route to areas outside Sumatra as caught some time ago at Minangkabau International Airport, Padang Pariaman," he said.

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