
JAKARTA - Doctors and injured people at Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza said on Saturday, November 25 that Israeli soldiers attacked medical staff, arrested patients, and stole bodies as long as they surrounded the medical complex.

"Israeli troops attacked hospital buildings, destroyed medical equipment, and cut off electricity," Moataz Harara, a doctor in Al Shifa, told Anadolu, as reported by ANTARA, November 26.

After the army left, the power generator exploded. There were 40 patients in the ER who needed to be evacuated to a hospital in the southern Gaza Strip because they needed urgent medical treatment," he continued.

Mustafa Sukeik, another doctor at the hospital, told Anadolu that the army surrounded Al Shifa and restricted movement. Communication is cut off and we have trouble getting food."

"The army examined the buildings in the complex and asked me to move the patients from the respiratory unit to other locations in the facility," he added.

Ibrahim Zakaria, an injured Palestinian, told Anadolu: "I need urgent medical follow-up; Israeli soldiers surrounded us in the hospital for several days."

"I asked to be immediately evacuated from the hospital and asked that my health condition be monitored," he said.

He also said that my wife and children were under siege with me, and communication was cut off; I need to know the fate of my parents and sisters.

Israeli troops left Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on Friday (24/11) after occupying the hospital for 10 days, expelling patients, injured victims, doctors, paramedics, other staff members, and civilians who were taking refuge from the escalating attacks in Gaza.

Over the past few days, Israeli soldiers have also carried out massive excavations, inspections, and sweeping inside medical facilities.

This resulted in several refugees and injured people dying in hospitals, according to Gaza's Ministry of Health.

Israeli soldiers withdrew from the hospital hours after a temporary humanitarian break between Israel and Hamas took effect on Friday morning.

Israel and Hamas exchanged 24 Israelis and foreigners for 39 Palestinians from Israeli prisons on Friday or on the first day of a four-day humanitarian break.

Under the agreement, the hostages will be released in stages for four days.

Israel's attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2024 have killed at least 14,854 Palestinians, including 6,150 children and more than 4,000 women, according to health authorities in the region.

Meanwhile, there were 1,200 victims in Israel.

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