BANDA ACEH - Southeast Aceh has been hit by flash floods for some time, resulting in damage to 106 units of residents' houses, of which 16 units were heavily damaged, 90 units lightly.
Seeing this condition, Irmawan, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from Aceh, encouraged the PUPR ministry through Balai Bina Marga and the River Basin Center (BWS) to repair the damage to a number of infrastructures due to flooding in Southeast Aceh Regency.
"It has been scheduled, the Head of the Bina Marga Center will come to Southeast Aceh to inspect the location," said Irmawan in his statement, in Banda Aceh, Friday.
Irmawan made this statement after reviewing the flood location in the Southeast Aceh region and holding a meeting with the Southeast Aceh Regent regarding the handling of the flood disaster problem.
Irmawan also said that many infrastructure was damaged due to the impact of flooding in local districts, ranging from roads, waterways to housing and other public facilities.
"Many are damaged and need improvement, therefore we are waiting for the Balai Bina Marga and BWS teams to review and make improvements," he said.
In addition to repairing damage, Irmawan also asked the PUPR ministry to find solutions or development schemes for flood prevention, especially flash floods there.
"To find this solution, it must also be involved with the involvement of experts to prepare the prevention infrastructure," he said.
Irmawan said that the floods that hit Southeast Aceh were severe, and there must be special handling so that the disaster does not continue every year.
"This is what we are fighting for. Preventing floods that harm the community, of course we will encourage the central government to increase the budget for flood prevention in the Aceh region," concluded Irmawan, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, November 25.
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