
JAKARTA - The case of finding a human skull and bones on Jalan Raden Inten, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, has begun to find a bright spot.

One of the families came to the Duren Sawit Police Headquarters to determine whether the human skeleton found was a long-lost family member.

"About four days ago there was one person who reported missing his family to the Duren Sawit Police, a man. Claiming to have lost his younger brother, for about two years," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police, AKP Indra Darmawan when confirmed, Wednesday, November 22.

For further processing, the Duren Sawit Police then directed the victim's family to the Police Hospital for examination as comparative data.

"We directed him to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital for a DNA comparison test to determine whether there was a family relationship or not," he said.

Even so, AKP Indra Darmawan did not yet know whether the victim's family had visited the Kramat Jati Police Hospital.

"It's just whether the reporter goes to the Police Hospital or not," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the forensic team at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital again identified the type of human skull bone and bones found in the waterway of Jalan Raden Inten, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta.

From the results of the latest identification, the skull found consisted of the human skull, lower jawbone and neck bone. While the other three bones came from the right spine, right upper and left upper arms.

Then the incomplete skeleton was examined by the forensic team until they again found out when the person died.

The head of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Brigadier General Hariyanto, said that the time of death of the human skeleton was thought to have died two years ago.

"It is estimated that the time of death is six to two years (simal)," said Brigadier General Hariyanto, Thursday, November 2.

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