
JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani welcomed the formation of the TNI Netrality Working Committee (Panja) in the 2024 General Election. Puan hopes that the TNI will really maintain and show its neutrality under the leadership of General Agus Subiyanto as the new TNI Commander.

"Because according to its function, the Indonesian National Army. This means that later in this political year or political month, we also hope that with the change of the new TNI commander, we can maintain neutrality in this regard," said Puan at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 21.

Moreover, he continued, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono had made a post or complaint center for TNI neutrality.

Not only the TNI, Puan hopes that all other law enforcement officers can also carry out the 2024 General Election in a peaceful, honest and fair manner. Without polarization like in the last election.

"Then we will take care so that this election can run well and smoothly so that until God willing, later on February 14, we can carry out a democratic party with joy, happily, peacefully then there will be no friction or divide unity," said Puan.

"So we ask and hope and urge us to run this election as a party, the name of the party is a democratic party, so it should be peaceful and happy," he added.

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