
JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted that a long drought in Java could trigger landslides during the rainy season.

Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said that Java Island has a period of days without rain during the dry season for almost 4 months.

As a result, the soil was cracked and the hilly area also experienced fractures due to dry conditions.

If the area suddenly rains with high intensity, then the cracks are filled with rainwater which will then become chunks of landslides.

"That's why we see here, especially West Java, Central Java, several landslides that are quite significant. And we know that West Java is from the middle to the south, it is a topographic area of hills, which is indeed an area prone to landslides," Abdul said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 20.

Abdul appealed to the local government to pay attention to this condition, especially in the next 1-2 months where the frequency of this landslide will increase.

"Two days ago we received for the Bogor landslide alone, there were three incidents in one day. This really has to be a potential for local governments," he said.

In particular, Java is dominant in extreme weather when it is in a transition between dryness and rain, both with and without rain.

As a result, people can see amateur videos with tornadoes on a fairly large scale, and the impact is quite significant.

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