
JAKARTA Leon Dozan, his full name is Mochammad Leon Rahman Dozan. Willy Dozan's old actor's son looks fierce when challenging the Police through amateur video recordings that are widely circulated on social media.

After being arrested and become a suspect, Leon Dozan admitted that he did what he did was due to emotional and jealous factors.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro said the reason the suspect Leon Dozan challenged the National Police institution was due to emotional factors.

"The reason the perpetrator (insulted the Police) was due to emotional factors," said Kombes Susatyo to reporters, Friday, November 17.

From the results of the urine test on Leon Dozan, Leon was not proven to have consumed drugs.

"The urine test in question is negative," he said.

Previously in the video footage circulating, Leon Dozan's words were heard giving a challenge to the National Police institution. "Oh, do you want to report it? To the police let me be imprisoned? Oh, that's okay, I'm not afraid, the police are **** **** ****,"

Kombes Susatyo explained that the suspect was burning with jealousy so he was desperate to challenge.

"Because the person concerned was jealous because the victim wanted to report it to the police. So the suspect challenged the police officers," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the face of the suspect Mochammad Leon Rahman Dozan alias Leon Dozan, son of an old actor Willy Dozan, was immediately pale when he was arrested by members of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit in his house in Cirende, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta.

When he was taken to the Central Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters, Leon Dozan's face became even more pale when he was at the police headquarters on Friday, November 17.

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