
BANDA ACEH - The people of Bireuen Regency and North Aceh province of Aceh refused the return of Rohingya immigrants to their territory, and their ships have been pushed back into the ocean. "Today, people have been rejected twice, first in Bireuen, and then in North Aceh," said Aceh (sea) Commander Laot (sea) Miftach Tjut Adek, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, November 16 evening.Miftach said, today Aceh was again visited by about 249 Rohingya immigrants using their wooden engine vessels. But received a refusal from the community. First, at around 04.00 the Rohingya immigrant ship landed in the Kuala Pawon area of the Bireuen Regency Region. Then the local community refused their arrival. After that, the refugees moved again until finally landed in the coastal area of Ulee Madon, Muara Batu District, North Aceh Regency at around 16.00 WIB. After landing to the beachbid, they got food from the local community. Then, the refugees and their ships were pushed back into the ocean. "The government there was unable to accept because no one was responsible, the community did not want to be there, and returned to be pushed into the sea," he said. Regarding Rohingya refugees who continued to arrive in Aceh, Miftach asked the Central Government not to be fully responsible, not to be handed over to the government in Aceh, because the regions were overwhelmed in handling it. According to Miftach, the community and district/city and provincial governments have so far been doing optimally to the Rohingya refugees who continued to arrive to Aceh. "But the Central Government does not want attention to this problem. So we hope that the central government must immediately step in hand, don't let this problem go to the Aceh Government and the Acehnese people themselves," said Miftach Tjut Adek. As information, in the last three days, Aceh has been attended by hundreds of Rohingya refugees. First on Tuesday, last Tuesday on the coast of Gampong Blang Raya District, Muara Tiga Kabupaten Pidie 200 people, six of them fled. On the day, Wednesday, as many as 147 Rohingya immigrants returned to land.

Then, today Aceh returned to the arrival of Rohingya immigrant ships in the coastal areas of Bireuen and North Aceh Regencies. However, it was rejected by local residents. For information, Panglima Laot is an official marine customary institution that oversees fishermen in Aceh. All problems related to the sea in Aceh cannot be separated from the authority of the institution.

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