
The Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) is still investigating reports of Coldplay concert ticket fraud that claimed many victims.

"Currently, investigations are still being carried out," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro to VOI, Wednesday, November 15.

Until now, the Central Jakarta Metro Police are still investigating the value of the losses suffered by a number of victims.

"Complete information about the number of victims and losses will be conveyed following," he said.

Meanwhile, victims of the Coldplay concert ticket purchase fraud have also made a police report.

"Last night someone reported a ticket fraud to the Central Jakarta Police. The suspect (arrested) will be delivered following," he said.

Previously, it was reported that an upload of Coldplay's concert ticket fraud became a trending on social media X. In the upload in the form of a screenshot of the alleged fraud case, it contains the question that a woman with the initials GDA commits fraud against a customer by selling concert tickets.

"Dear All Costumer, and my personal customers, I apologize profusely for the incident that happened to us all today. I inform all of my friends that our supplier GHISCA DEBORA ARITONANG has made scams/fraud against all of us with the mode of selling concert compliance tickets," wrote the upload on the X account.

From the description of the upload, a woman named Ghisca was declared to have become a suspect in the biggest scam case.

"The information circulating is that ghisca is now a suspect in the biggest scammer case by selling tickets to 15M nominal. In the future, we will try our best to follow up on this case so that the party concerned takes full responsibility", quoted from the upload.

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