
JAKARTA - Interpreting the commemoration of Heroes' Day in 2023, Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives reminded all policy makers of their commitment to the struggle to build national education so that their quality is evenly distributed throughout the country. Education must also be a Central Indonesia. In addition, awards for teachers as heroes of education must be a priority for the government's attention.

"Education is an investment in MANusi which will be an important milestone in the journey of a nation towards progress and glory. Implementing the struggle for equitable education is a shared responsibility," said Member of Commission X DPR RI, Andreas Hugo Pareira, Friday, November 10.

Equitable access to education is known to often be felt by students and teachers in the 3T area (Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost). For this reason, Andreas hopes that the struggle for equitable education will continue.

"I hope that the Government in collaboration with the DPR and other relevant stakeholders will continue to strive to ensure that every Indonesian citizen has fair and equitable access to quality education," he said.

Based on Presidential Regulation Number 63 of 2020 concerning Determination of Disadvantaged, Frontier, and Outermost Regulations of 2020-2024, there are 62 regencies that fall into the category of 3T regions in Indonesia. One of them is in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Andreas said that in eastern Indonesia, there are still a number of challenges in the education sector. He said access to education in the interior is still far behind with big cities.

Meanwhile, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of NTT Province, the lack of access to education in the interior has prevented 28.65 percent of students in the area from receiving education.

"One of the factors in the low education in the interior is due to the low economic level," said Andreas.

Not only that, education in the interior of NTT is also said to be often constrained by student access to schools because it is difficult to reach. Andreas said that the number of schools in the interior is still small compared to big cities.

"Unlike children in big cities who can reach schools easily, in NTT students and teachers must fight towards educational facilities by traveling long distances," said the legislator from the NTT I electoral district.

"Not a few are also forced to walk kilometers away, encounter steep terrain and it is difficult just to struggle to get education for their future. This also happens in many areas," Andreas continued.

On the other hand, the DPR's education commission supports the Government's efforts to start building supporting infrastructure to make it easier for students to go to schools such as bridge connecting roads. However, Andreas reminded, it takes a commitment to fight for equal distribution of education justice for all Indonesian children.

"We at the DPR support the Government's efforts to improve access to education, improve the quality of teaching, and strengthen the national education system as a whole," he said.

Andreas added, ensuring that quality educational facilities and quality can support the next generation of the nation to obtain the skills needed in order to have a decent life in the future. Because education is a capital to meet economic needs and welfare.

"Education also opens the door for better access to health services, decent housing, and better quality of life," Andreas explained.

As is known, education is a long-term investment for the progress of the nation. Therefore, Andreas emphasized the importance of prioritizing quality education.

"The Moment of Heroes' Day must remind us of the importance of continuing to strive to improve national education for the future of our better future generations," he said.

Furthermore, Andreas asked the Government to improve the quality of children's education through teachers and teachers. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) stated that Indonesia still lacks 1.3 million teachers in 2024, along with many teachers retiring.

"The government must budget more for spending on teacher needs. Because the lack of teaching staff will have an impact on the quality or quality of education for Indonesian children," Andreas explained.

Commission X of the DPR also asked the Government to pay more attention to honorary teachers, especially those who have served for a long time. Andreas reminded the Government to increase the appointment of honorary teachers to become teachers of state civil servants of government employees with work agreements (ASN PPPK) to improve their welfare.

Many of these honorary teachers have served for decades, only with very minimal income. Even though not a few of them had to travel for hours to get to school. But until now his fate is still unclear," he said.

These honorary teachers are today's heroes of education. Their services are really great for the creation of superior Indonesian human resources, although there are often minimal appreciation. The task of the State is to ensure that our education heroes get a decent life," Andreas continued.

So at the moment of Heroes' Day which is celebrated every November 10, Andreas hopes that there will be a contribution from the Government to honorary teachers. Especially those who serve in remote areas.

"Show the State award for educators who are heroes without a sign of service. Of course this is in accordance with the noble ideals of the predecessor heroes. Happy Heroes' Day!" he concluded.

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