JAKARTA - The Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, spoke about the people who are still struggling to seek justice at the commemoration of Heroes' Day. The government must be aware that there are still many injustices that occur.
"Puan Maharani's statement actually reflects the awareness of the spirit of the heroes who emphasize that the struggle is not over yet, especially in achieving social and economic justice," said Political Communication Expert Silvanus Alvin, Friday, November 10.
In line with what Puan said, Alvin assessed that the struggle of the Indonesian people in today's era cannot be separated from the inequality between big cities and small cities, especially in the 3T (Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost) region.
"The implementation of economic injustice, equality of education, and issues of health and gender equality is an important focus in the context of commemorating Heroes' Day," said the millennial lecturer at Multimedia University, Nusantara (UMN).
Alvin assessed that Puan's encouragement regarding the struggle of the people to seek justice was a warning for the government. He hopes that the reprimand will be used as a record and commitment from the Government to work more in creating prosperity for all Indonesian people. Moreover, the DPR as a representation of the people has the duty and obligation to oversee the performance of the Government.
"The DPR is obliged to respond and commemorate Heroes' Day with awareness of their responsibility to overcome the social and economic challenges that are still being faced by the people," said Alvin.
"Precisely, Mrs. as the leader of the DPR gives a warning to the Government if the ideals of the nation's struggle are still far from expectations," continued this University of Leicester graduate, England.
Alvin also explained that the DPR through its legislative function must support the people's struggle to get education justice. In addition, in terms of equitable development to opportunities to obtain jobs as highlighted by Puan.
"The Hero's Day commemoration must encourage concrete steps to realize the vision of the heroes for the prosperity of the nation," said Alvin.
On the other hand, Alvin said the spirit of hero struggle must continue even though times have changed. One of them is realizing Indonesia Gold 2045, which is the vision and mission of this country in the future.
"The heroes have shown the spirit of struggle for independence, and at this time, efforts to build superior human resources are an important foundation towards Golden Indonesia 2045," he said.
"The Hero's Day commemoration should also be enlivened by being connected to the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045 through focusing on developing quality human resources (HR)," added Alvin.
One of the things that the government should fight for, according to Alvin, is to create targeted assistance programs. Thus, the equitable development and quality of individuals in Indonesia can be equalized from Sabang to Merauke.
"Policies that humanize humans, such as increasing access to education, economic empowerment, and protecting human rights, are the first steps. Ensuring that every Indonesian citizen has the same opportunity to develop is an integral part of building strong human resources," said Alvin.
The author of the book "Political Communication in the Digital Age: from Big Data, Influencer Relations & Kekuatan Selebriti, To Politics Tawa" considers this an important foundation for realizing the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045. In particular, said Alvin, it includes economic, social and cultural progress, by making humans the center of development.
"By forming policies that support human resource development, Indonesia can create a generation that is creative, innovative, and highly competitive," he said.
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