
JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR RI alluded to the need for implementing a transitional policy after Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN) was officially promulgated on October 31. This is related to honorary staff which will be officially removed at the end of 2024 after this law takes effect.

"To improve the performance of public services, the arrangement of ASN and honorary staff is regulated in Law No. 20 of 2023. In terms of honorary staff, it is important to implement several transitional policies so that the arrangement can run effectively so that the fate of honorary staff is more secure," said member of Commission II DPR RI, Mardani Ali Sera, Thursday 9 November.

One of the crucial things regulated in the new ASN Law concerns the arrangement of non-State Civil Apparatus (ASN) workers aka honorary staff. In addition, the law also stipulates a time limit until December 2024 for the arrangement of honorary staff, which should not be fired even though the honorary status will later be abolished.

Mardani also emphasized that thorough data collection on honorary staff so that their employment status will still be guaranteed when the removal of honorary staff is carried out. Of course, taking into account various aspects, including the length of time these employees work to improve the welfare of former honorary workers.

Currently, the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) is processing data on 2.3 million honorary workers to assess which one meets the requirements to become a PPPK or CPNS.

"Transitional policy is needed to ensure that the removal of honorary power status does not harm those who have served for a long time. Because this is the mandate of the ASN Law which was ratified by the DPR some time ago," he said.

"Perjelas proses transisi para tenorer ini. Jangan sampai karena missed di masalah teknis, keberakaan mereka jadi tidak jelas," lanjut Mardani.

The legislator from the DKI Jakarta I electoral district added that the policy of removing honorary staff must be followed by concrete steps to ensure the availability of positions for those who were previously honorary staff. Mardani reminded that the government must prepare a new workplace for former honorary employees.

"The government also needs to ensure that the removal of honorary staff will not interfere with public services due to the lack of adequate personnel to handle the tasks they previously carried out," he said.

Regarding the fate of honorary workers, the ASN Law mandates the making of implementing regulations for a maximum of 6 months from the time the Law is enacted.

This technical rule must be pro against honorary staff. That way, their fate becomes guaranteed when the policy of removing honorary staff applies. If by the end of 2024 there are those who do not have the certainty of a new workplace, then it must be regulated in a transitional policy, "said Mardani.

Furthermore, the Government is reminded to prioritize the option of accepting Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) taken from honorary staff. Mardani said the Government could fill the needs of PPPK according to the specifications of honorary staff or the field of experience of working so far.

"It is also added by providing training and improving skills for honorary staff so that they can meet the qualifications for the placement of honorary staff, both as civil servants and PPPK," he said.

On the other hand, Mardani encouraged the Government to ensure that there was no decrease in income for honorary workers in its new position. The government is reminded to provide proper welfare guarantees for all state servants.

"In accordance with Government Regulations, that there should be no decrease in income received by non-ASN personnel at this time," said Mardani.

Mardani also warned the Government to closely monitor the bleaching process of 2.3 honorary staff. He highlighted how the selection verification process for ASN and PPPK is often 'infiltrated' by officials who are often not registered with the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

"This will also reduce the impact of the power relationship which may have an effect on the appointment of PPPK. Because the main thing is the honorariums," he said.

Mardani hopes that the arrangement of ASN accompanied by the abolition of honorary can have a positive impact on services to the community. Moreover, so far there have been many bad images regarding the performance of ASN in the eyes of the public.

"We at the DPR believe that we can overcome this challenge wisely. Moreover, in the ASN Law, it is widely regulated regarding the improvement of the quality of ASN human resources," concluded Mardani.

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